
Simple, Automatic Peace Of Mind

In high street retailing, from the corner shop to the supermarket and from the local pub to tourist attractions, the security of your takings, and the safety of your staff are more important than ever.

The Safe-linK “point of sale to safe” system is simply the most secure, efficient and easy way of transporting excess cash and other vulnerable items from the tills and customer service points directly into a locked safe in another part of the building.

To complement the SafeLink solution we offer a complete range of security products from underground safes to ballistic rated glassing.

Secure Cash Management

Safe-linK offers a reduced risk of major loss due to robbery. It is a one-way air tube and safe solution which is designed to assist your till staff remove surplus cash or other high-risk vulnerable items from the sales floor into a locked safe located in a secure, separate part of the premises by air vacuum.

There’s nothing so simple, and it’s very user-friendly.

The cashier simply loads the carrier with surplus cash and inserts it into the send tube, pushes the button and off it goes, directly into the locked safe in seconds. No need to leave their post unattended.

In a nutshell, Safe-linK can be used anywhere cash or valuables are collected and stored in a public area, shop counters, booths, turnstiles, doorway admission desks etc.

To date there are over 4,000 Safe-linK Cash Tube Systems installed nationwide. Each one is providing security and peace of mind to every retail owner, cashier or staff member and helping to make their working day safer.

Safe-Link Options


For every challenge

We offer a complete range of safe products, solutions and service to meet every security challenge.

From simple, reliable domestic units though to world-class under-floor installations we have a safe that will provide peace of mind, reduce risk and meet your insurance obligations.

Our products and services include…

  • 4k to 35k “Grade 3” Ratings

  • Various sizes and configurations

  • Locking & Access timer options

  • Deposting solutions

  • Planning – Security & Safe installation

  • Relocations & Modifications

  • 24-hour support and maintenance  services

Security Options

For every need…

To complement our wide range of safe options and solution we also provide related and heavy-duty products to ensure you, your staff and your valuables are safe and sound.

Our range includes…

  • “Ballistic” Glass and Glassing panels
  • Strongroom and Panic Room doors
  • Locks options (Digital, Combination and Rotary)
  • Deposit options (Slot, Draw, Rotary, etc)
  • Alcohol & Cigarette Storage Solutions